Monday, October 31, 2011

City by the Bay

Each October we enjoy a two week break from school.  It is the prefect time of year to take a family vacation.  Not as many crowds, and not as hot as summer time.  Since we have a new puppy, this year our adventures didn't take us too far from home.  We visited San Francisco for a day and had a great time!

JT LOVED the cable cars. He could have stayed in Ghirardelli Square watching them turn the cable cars around & load them back up. We started there & rode the cable car to Union Square.  The girls and I went to the mall with the 4 story Nordstroms, while John and JT watched the cable cars some more.  Then we rode the cable car all the way back again. 

Reminds me of an old Rice-a-Roni commercial.

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