Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chuga, Chuga, Choo Choo!

California State Railroad Museum.....
Loads of fun when you are 4 years old! 
Also fun for others, but not quite as magical 
What a great way to spend a rainy March day with our friends

Zack, Ryan, Natalie, Abby, Lindsay, Molly, Morgan, JT, & Carter

JT was so busy checking everything out, I was worried that he would wander off & I would loose him.  Needless to say, he had a great day and was asleep by 7:00pm.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Angry Birds Obsessed

Molly (well all my kids) loves the Angry Birds App.  When she realized that she had enough erasers in her collection to build her own tower is when it really gets fun.
The only problem is what to use for a sling shot???.....

Problem solved... a rubber band and your TOES, of course!

Dear Tooth Fairy......

I am so excited that I am finally like my big sisters and I can leave my teeth for you.  Will you please try harder to come on time?  I realize if I loose my tooth too close to bedtime, I might not make it on your schedule for that night.  That is okay, but will you please come the next night?  PLEEEEAAAAASE? 
Natalie's first lost tooth, March 2nd 2011

Treasure Island

Each year the Missoula Children's Theater Company comes the kids school and provides an opportunity for them to be in a play.  They try out for the play on Monday, rehearse all week, and the play is preformed on Friday & Saturday of the same week.  Sounds crazy, but it always turns out so good.  This year Lindsay was one of the sisters, and Molly was the Blue Pirate, in an adaptation of the classic Treasure Island. 

Molly, back row far left

Lindsay, middle row (sitting) on right.

Dad picked thier favorite flowers, tulips & daffodils.

A Boy and his Blankie....

I don't know if it is because JT will always be my baby, but I don't mind at all that he still sucks his thumb and holds his blankie.  One day I am sure we will look back at this and think; aaaawwww.  In fact, I'm thinking that right now!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Love Lazy Sunday Afternoons

Morning church = Afternoon nap.  YES!!!!!


In honor of Super Bowl XLV and the Green Bay Packers, our house was party central!  We had all the essential ingredients, family, food, and fun.  Judge for yourself.....

The girls and I made this banner.

Bacon wrapped Lil' Smokies & Cowboy Caviar

Chocolate cake footbal eggs; blondies; and hand dipped pretzels
mmmmmm.... I am getting hungry posting this.  So at the end of the day, we all enjoyed each others company, ate too much, and enjoyed the game.  To quote Sports Illustrated, "Green Bay held off the Steelers 31-25 to win its fourth Super Bowl trophy and 13th NFL championship, bringing the Lombardi trophy back home to Green Bay."  

Go PACK Go!!!  YEAH!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Children's Museum

There is all kinds of fun to be had at the Stockton Children's Museum:
Dress up

Arts & Crafts

Figure out how this hose works

Last, but NOT least, figure out where the stuff you flush down the toilet goes.

Cinderella, Dressed in Yella.....

We love jump rope class at the gym!  We don't go to class as often as we would like, but when we go it is F-U-N!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tubing in the Valley

We love living in the valley.  We have awesome, water skiing, produce, weather, and we are close to the beach or mountains, whichever you prefer.  The one thing we can't do in the valley is snow tubing...... Oh WAIT..... yes we can.  Thanks to Del Oso Family Farms in Lathrop, CA we CAN!  Have ever been snow tubing in the rain?  We have....

There is a 'magic carpet' as they call it..... a coneyor belt that you stand on & it takes you up to the top of the man made hill.

Natalie is right in the middle of the picture.  " Look ma, NO HANDS!"